Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d, inaugurates the operation of its New Branch in Greece with exclusive partner Apeiron Insurance Project

Triglav Group
- The Group consistently carried out its strategic activities for further growth and development and achieved its sustainability-related ambitions.
- The Group not only increased its business volume but also maintained its financial strength and high “A” credit ratings with a stable medium-term outlook.
- Its leading position in the insurance sector was strengthened both in Slovenia and the Adria region.
- Strategic risks and business opportunities are regularly assessed based on the challenges and opportunities identified in the rapidly changing business and social environments.
- The Triglav Group’s vision, aimed at creating an outstanding user experience, is implemented through development activities. The transition from an insurance-oriented to a service-oriented business model with multiple ecosystems and continued digital transformation are at the fore.
Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d.
Zavarovalnica Triglav achieved earnings before tax of EUR 45.6 million (2022: EUR 1.4 million taking into account new accounting standards) and net earnings of EUR 38.7 million. The insurance operating result
was positive and amounted to EUR 17.6 million despite major CAT events.
Premium rates were adjusted in line with the claims inflation. Inflation also had an impact on the increase in operating expenses. Net investment result amounted to EUR 28.0 million, up by 31% year-on-year, as a result of the favourable
situation in the financial markets and the payment of dividends from subsidiaries (EUR 16.4 million,
2022: EUR 32.7 million).
The Company’s other comprehensive income amounted to EUR 28.4 million
(2022: EUR –36.5 million).
ZavarovalnicaTriglav d.d is the leading insurance company in Slovenia, with a market share of 39,5% at the end of 2023. Its activities are aimed at all insurance sectors.
By showing confidence in the Apeiron Insurance Project, it brings new air to the Greek Insurance Market and builds a more certain tomorrow!

Financial Data of Triglav Group
The Triglav Group’s total business volume grew by 12%, while the contractual service margin increased by 28%.
In a challenging environment, the Group generated earnings before profit of EUR 21.1 million.|
The deteriorated combined ratio in Non-Life and Health segments resulted from the price cap on supplemental health insurance, CAT events and the effects of inflation.
Life and Asset Management segments performed well.
The favourable situation in the financial markets had a positive impact on the return on the Group’s investments.